Friday, 22 October 2010

How Do I Impress a guy at a dance?

So there was this dance a while back. and This really Hott guy that asked me to dance. And we kinda knew eachother because we texted eachother before then. And plus my bestfriend knows him. but i kinda freaked out at the dance when he came up behind me. I pulled away and just stood there. because i was just speachless. truth is i didnt know how to dance WITH someone back then, and now i do.

We're cool now. We talk again and stuff.

So the same dance is coming up. and i wanna know how Can i impress him? Should i ask him to dance this time.

How should i dress? any help?

by the way.. i'm only 13.

okay? So no stupid perverted answers!How Do I Impress a guy at a dance?
big tip dont try to hard, be confident and just go with the flow u should say something to him like...i think i owe you a danceHow Do I Impress a guy at a dance?
well wait a few mins sort of 30 mins if he doesnt ask u u go up to him n grab his hand n say lets dance
Break dance.
be urself it always works
Aww. Sounds like something i'd do!

How many dances do you have?

Gosh, we have a disco once a year...and we have to share it with the next grade.

Anyway, yeah you should totally ask him and dress in something you can dance in that looks good too! Best of luck and maybe you want to try practising dancing before the dance so you're not clueless on the night?

Girl just work it on the dance floor !!

Dn't worry about whos haten

just do your thang =)

sooner or later you'll be the life of the party.

But if you don't know how to dance

just rock a little bit
Thirteen year olds still want the same thing that thirty year olds do... :P
ehhhhh hmmm haha

no never ask a guy to dance

but definetly flirt with him and smile a lot

and maybe that way he'll ask you

you should definetly dresss cute


but not tooooo revealing

although showing some skin

is okay

look up outfits online or read magazines

and maybe post some pics on yahoo answers

to ask people wich outfit they like best:]
for me he should be the one who ask you to dance???!!!because you are a girl and youre only 13.,.,.your so young.,.,
The same thing happened to me around your age. When he comes up behind you, let him and just smile as if you think its kind of a joke. If you start to get uncomfortable, turn around and face him instead. JUST BE CALM :)

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