Tuesday, 16 November 2010

HELP ME WITH THIS GUY ISSUE DX I'm kinda...freaked out!?

Okay, so last night at my friends party, I was annoying this guy. (Annoying like, bothering and just yeah:L) He was the only guy at the table we were sat at, so I wanted to annoy him. BUT ANYWAY, he ended up getting my facebook and number. At first, I thought it was a friendly gesture. But now, I don't. On facebook and texting and what-not, he completely changed. He was calling me hot, and he was asking me if I was single and stuff. So after an hour or so, he invited me to the movies, and I said yes, since I LIKE HIM AS A FRIEND. He told me he liked me a lot, and i said i liked him too, yet I think he took it the wrong way, because he asked me if that means were official. I mean really, I met him once! THAT SAME NIGHT! Today he asked me if I celebrated Christmas, and I said yes. Now I'm afraid that he'll get me something. I don't know what to do since i really don't...well like him any more then a friend. I mean, I met him last night, so it's kind of hard to like him more. Ugh. I'm just afraid that when we go to the movies he'll try and pull something. What do I do?

I have trouble with telling people no, and I just hate hurting peoples feelings =\

He asked me for my facebook and number I didn't say OH DO YOU WANT MY FACEBOOK AND HERES MY NUMBER TOO

oh also, I told him how I was comfortable now since I was complaining my legs hurt from dancing so much, and I saaid I was all cozy in my pajammas lol xD and later he said i cant stop picturing you in those pajamas...

if its you in the photo, you have to be older than 13. lol

So, i know its hard but you have to stop talking with the guy, little by little

make him realize you don't want to get serious with him and stuff

hope i helped !:)HELP ME WITH THIS GUY ISSUE DX I'm kinda...freaked out!?
wow lol uh, well if you like him more as a friend keep it going but if you don't i know this is harsh but just tell him. because its gonna get worse if you keep going with this.
tell him whats up directly. dont let him think theres something there when there isnt

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