My friend Kaylon asked me to his homecoming a few weeks ago. And of course i said yes! So i went and i met this guy named nick. He is really cute and i like him. But he goes to another school. I danced with nick and i had a great time. I still talk to him and everything. But i told my friend kaylon that if no one from my school asked me to homecoming that i would ask him. and he was like sure i will go. but he has not answered the phone and i asked my friend raul if he has talked to kaylon and he said no. he does not answer the phone. so i was like crap who am i going to take now? well i was like maybe if nick is not busy i could invite him. but how do i ask him. like we dont go to the same schools. and i dont want to seem like a freak. what should i do?How should I ask this guy to homecoming?
all he can do is say yes or noHow should I ask this guy to homecoming?
if Y0U d0 SEE hiM JUSS bE liKE
R U G0iN T0 h0MEC0MiN? %26amp; if hE bE likE YEA, SAY MAYBE WE CAN G0 T0GEThER
0R if hE SAYS hE d0NT kN0 YET , TELL hiM if hE d0ES T0 lET Y0U kN0 0R S0METhN liKE dAT
%26amp; if hE SAYS N0
bE liKE R U SERi0US?[SMAll bAbY VOiCE,, YOU kN0 0R fliRTiN VOiCE] %26amp; bE liKE i WANTEd Y0U T0 G0 WiTh ME MAYbE ThEN hE WiLL ChANGE hiS MiNd
just ask him, whats the worst that can happen?
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