Friday, 19 November 2010

I just found out that my best friend is dating another guy. He told one of his best friends but not me??

we were in dance class %26amp; i bent down to pick up my shoes %26amp; saw a phone. it was one of those things where u jus look %26amp; see wut is in front of u. so i look at his phone not realizin it was his %26amp; saw multiple txt messages from a guy. %26amp; one of the txts said '; okay baby, i love i miss u more.'; he doesnt know i read the message nor does he know i have any idea that he is gay. yes he does act gay but he has never told me that he was so i jus assumed that he was jus girly, you know? when someone at work or at school or anywhere makes fun of him when he says something girly or does somethin girly i am always right there to back him up. i stick up for him ALL the freaking time. I feel that as his best friend i have every right to know if he is gay. wut makes me the most upset is that he told one of his other bestfriends but didnt tell me? he knows i dont agree with homosexuality but that i dont dismiss people who are gay. im jus really confused. i dont know how to confront him about it?I just found out that my best friend is dating another guy. He told one of his best friends but not me??
i think you answered your own question...he knows that you dont agree with homosexuality...that is probably the main reason he hasnt told youI just found out that my best friend is dating another guy. He told one of his best friends but not me??
Maybe it is because you don't agree with it. He might have thought that you would disown him as a friend.
No need to confront him. He'll come around but the fact that you stand up for him and don't agree with homosexuality is what's holding him back. You need to let him know that you'll be his friend no matter WHAT and he'll slowly work up the nerve to tell you. are you sure the text is from a guy?
I think the reason for not telling you is because you don't agree with homosexuality and he may be afraid of losing you as his friend... He does treasure you by not telling you....Maybe you should drop hints of you knowledge of his homosexuality as it may be too abrupt to confront him directly...
Well I think you have to put yourself in his shoes. I've been in them so I may be able to translate it for you. You don't agree with it, so why is he going to ';force it upon you';? I have many conservative friends who just don't want to hear about that aspect of my life that they don't agree with, and frankly in many regards it's none of their business. They have no say in who I choose to date and if they don't want to hear it, I dont want to tell it. The only thing that is making me question this is the fact that you actually believe that in some way you are entitled to that information. My friends don't have to know when I am leaving the house, who I am visiting, and when I'll be home or what I'm wearing. I make those decisions, and if he's an adult he makes those decisions as well and doesn't need your blessing. A point that I am trying to make with that is that he may also feel that you wouldn't condone it, and try to talk him away from what he needs right now. Friends and family always think they know what's best. Sometimes they do, but it's not their life's decision to make. If he really wants to tell you he will.

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