Friday 19 November 2010

This boy....i need help!?

there is this guy i have liked on and off since the middle of last yr. I tried not to like him bc my friends didnt approve. over the summer he would text me everyday all day. i really liked him deep down, and i knew he liked me too. at the end of the summer i really wanted to b bf and gf with him, so i kinda asked him if he liked me...he said no, but then i thought ';oh maybe he just said no bc he doesnt want me to reject him';. so i kinda asked him out but not really, he said he wasnt intrested in me that way. i was sad but got over it, and convinced myself to get over him. recently he has started texting me, and aiming me, and talking to me at skool a lot. even my mom has told me how much he likes me, and everyone thinks so too. i have kept my recent feelings for him to myself, and now my friends r saying how hott he is. last night we had a dance, and when i got there he was freak dancing with one of my friends. he never asked me to dance, but when me and my friend were dancing he and his friends surrounded us and it looked like they were about to start freaking with us, but me and my friend ran away. i really really like him, know i relaize it. i want to b his gf so bad but i cant tell if he likes me or not....plezzzz help!!!!!!This boy....i need help!?
from what you said i think he likes you but idk i mean it looks like he is sort of playing with your feelings because he knows you like him bc if he liked you so much he would have asked you out a long time ago.....................................鈥?good luck :)

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