Friday, 12 November 2010

I don't understand what his problem is?

There's been this guy I've had feelings for for nearly four months. I've given so many hints and signs. At some point he's showed feelings back for me and everything was cool... until he started acting like an immature jackass.

Prom had been coming up for sometime and he always asked me ';so are you going to prom?, I might go..., I don't want to go with any girl..'; So of course I would think that he wasn't interested. So I stopped showing interest.

I went to prom and danced with another guy. The Monday after prom, he asks me how it was(he didn't go because he said he had ';better things to do';) And interrogates me about ';Freak dancing'; with another guy he knows. I tell him he's not my father and he calls me a slut!( I haven't had a boyfriend or kissed a guy all school year) He's really pissed about me dancing and I don't understand...I don't understand what his problem is?
This is 100% head games. That's what his problem is. Don't confuse his paying attention to you for maybe having feelings for you. Because naturally you think well since he seems to be jealous over my dancing with someone else then maybe he cares. If he did he would have been at the prom with you.I don't understand what his problem is?
He doesn't want you, but is jealous because some other dude snatched you up instead? What a tool.

Why put effort into such a douchebag. Block delete.
he does care about you but since he knew you liked him he was taking advantage of that thinking you would always be around for him to come back to but you proved him that you can also have fun and that's what is upsetting him
i think you should forget about him. he is being really shallow, and its no fun to be stuck in water that low.
Awww he might have been jealous. Sometimes guys, and sometimes girls, are nervous to tell someone they like them. You should've said something like oh I want to go but no one asked me yet. He might've asked, because he might like you.:)
Let him go. It sounds like you're starting to see a new side of him that you've never seen before. That's probably not a good thing.

And if he keeps asking you about it, tell him that it's none of his business. Why should he care if he had better things to do anyway?
hes a virgin that wants to be with but is too afraid to take the next step. so he acts out the part of the over-protective bestfriend who wants to date you. Duckie.
he got jealous and disappointed that he wasn't able to dance with you.
Sounds like he is JEALOUS.

On top of that, he is young (and unfortunately immature).

If he honestly ';interrogated'; you and you felt uncomfortable, than you need to stop talking to him. Both of you need to clear your heads and he needs to grow up.

Best of luck to you.
Hmm sounds like he like's you, But was to shy to do anything about it.

Now he's jealous that you have danced with someone else.

Maybe you just need to be up front with him about it.
i think the problem is that he really likes you but doesn't kno how to show u so he hides it with immaturity and childish way. and i kno alot of boys that like callin girls sluts cause they think that if ur with anyone but them ur a slut
either buddy's bipolar, or is just really nervous about showing his emotions for you, but has them nevertheless, and is now confused because maybe he caught your hints but was too nervous to act so when he heard about you dancing with another guy he got mad? hopefully that makes sense ish haha. boys are impossible! but good luck! :)
Had the same problem. I gave this guy i really liked so many hints that i got tired and didn't care anymore. 5 months past and then he tells me he likes me %26amp; that he wants to be with me.

Obviously his into you but his the type of guy that wants it his way or no way at all.

This is his way of showing his into you even know he doesn't want to admit it and is acting like a complete jerk.

Just act cool. He'll come around and if he doesn't just forget about him.
You need to brush up on your charm.. If you take all the needed charm courses , will he choose to dance at the prom? Stay away from that raspberry vodca! ha ha ! You might win the chance to date Mr. CORRUPTIBLE, but oh so loveable! I think that would be in your wildest dreams!
He's an arrogant azz. He figured that he had you where he wanted you, and once you moved on, he got jealous that you realized you could do better.

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