Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Help! This nerdy guy follwos be all day at school! I dont know what to do!?

Ok, theres this nerdy guy that like loves me. I am nice to him, but we dont talk much, but he ALWAYS follows me around every single day at school, he even comes to my house to drop off my homework when i'm sick, and I';M NOT EVEN IN ANY OF HIS CLASSES!! I dont like to go to school dances anymore because he always watchs me and will keep bugging me until i agree to dance with him. He's not threatening me, but I just wish he could leave me alone. One day, I think I'm gonna snap! I'm really nice but I cant take this anymore! One time he asked me what bus number I take home! hes really starting to freak me out. Like I said, hes totally harmless but how do I tell him that hes freaking me out without him taking it personally. Cause this kid is like really weird and I get the impression that if i tell him it will be the end of the world for him. I really need help, I cant take this much longer, its been going on for a year and a half, EVERYDAY! Its driving me crazy!Help! p.s we're in gr 10Help! This nerdy guy follwos be all day at school! I dont know what to do!?
Honestly, the most mature thing to do is to first tell him you like him as a friend but that's it. If he doesn't accept that, then tell him your parents don't allow you to have boyfriends. If it is still a problem. Get your dad to talk to him.. That should do the trick..Help! This nerdy guy follwos be all day at school! I dont know what to do!?
To get this guy off you your going to have to be a little cold towards him. Throw him a bone and he will latch on by the sounds of it.
Get a boyfriend that's not him. Problem solved.
Slap him.I know how u feel.

P.S if you read this please try to answer my question called ';Is she interested?'; or search it.Thx

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