Tuesday, 16 November 2010

What do you think of my beliefs?trust me they are good?

i disagree with people that think it is wrong to be gay or lesbian. i am straight but i feel it is their choice who they like. i also feel that is is fine for them to marry, because who are we to say who cant marry. someone said that his version of marriage is when a man and a woman are deeply in love with each other and want to have kids then they marry. i dont see the difference. if a 2 guys love each other and want to adopt kids together and raise a family. why should we stop them. because it isnt normal? this is the same a a white and black couple wanting to get married. imagine how they would feel if someone said they couldnt marry cause they were different colors. no one should judge another person for who they love. as long as you dont hit on me or touch me i am fine.

then other Christians say that God forbids it. i disagree because he said to love every one. he didnt say to love every one except for the men that love other men or women that love other women. i care for every one. frankly i to get freaked out when i see a gay guy wearing a dress with fake breasts, but as long as he is with others that like him i am fine. i am glad i wasnt homecoming king cause that guy was homecoming queen. king and queen are supposed to dance. the 2 most popular guys had to dance and one was straight.

sorry bout that tangent, i am ADD and go off on random things. but point being i am homophobic that believes every one including gays have the right to date, love each other and marry.What do you think of my beliefs?trust me they are good?
I disagreed with you after reading for less than five seconds... however I think your beliefs good enough for me.

This is what I know from fact:

Sexuality is not a choice whether you are gay or straight or even pansexual, you have absolutely no say in that matter... nobody does :(

Secondly, love is not a choice, nobody has control over who they love and how much they love them.

Love %26amp; sexuality cannot be chosen; for they choose you XDWhat do you think of my beliefs?trust me they are good?
Thats nice...

P.s gays dont year dresses and fake breasts, thats transexuals or trannies...
Not everyone is christian. and i think you have never met a gay guys in your whole life! gay guys don't go around wearing dresses with fake breasts. i bet you live in a small town in the midwest.
Ok well i have a cousin who is gay and he got bashed by these assholes so if you wanted to talk to anyone talk to him. I think being gay is very confusing personally i'm not gay and i don't hate gay people but some times i just don't understand it. I agree in your beliefs i don't care if your gay or not we should all love each other we are all gods children i know that sounds like a bunch of bull **** but it's the truth. I love people no matter what they are. As long as they don't do anything to me.
i agree. i feel like everyone should be free to love whoever they please. this country is so big on discrimination but don't consider that by taking away equal rights for gays that that is discrimination. let people live their lives and do what makes them happy and everyone else should worry about themselves and the way they live their lives.
Ice Dragon - she didn't imply all gays are like that. Plus that attack about where you 'think' she lives is ******* stupid. =/ Soz kids. Bad language over. Ehh, anyway. I think you've got the right idea here. I'm not religious but you make pretty good points.
You say you are a devoted Christian, and maybe you are. I to at one believed in live and let live, as long as you do not try and force it on me. But, then I began to understand somethings in the Bible, that did not aline with that. For instance: Rom. 1:27; Rom. 6:9-10; Lev. 18:22, 20:13. Then I came across Matt. 12:30: Ps. 97:10; Ps 119:104 and finally (Matt 6:24):

';No one can serve two masters; for he will either hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You can not serve God and wealth.

This verse means in all things, not just wealth. You can not pick and choose what you will believe, or not believe out of the Bible. You either take all of it in faith and follow all, or none of it. To do otherwise is what James calls double minded( James 1:5-8). Also see 2 Chr. 19:2. That is a question you will have to answer for yourself.

I do not judge the lost souls deceived by the evil of homosexuality, but as a child of God I can and must judge the sin, and do my best with love to share Gods Word with them. Make no mistake they have been deceived by the father of lies, for the Lord hates homosexuality and did not make man in that image. Man was made in the image of God and told to be fruitful and multiply, and since it is physically impossible for two men or two women to do so, they go against God in the lust of their flesh. All sin stems from three 1 Jn 2:16 and homosexuality covers all three. To make it worse the evil spreads to the point, that they try and force it upon society, by promoting this life style on television, in movies, open participation, and now same sex marriage laws. This is why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. So you do what you want, as for me and my family, we will follow the Lord.

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