Tuesday, 16 November 2010

What should I do about this guy? Please help!?

First I'll give you the details (forgive me if they're long) I have known him for two years and he tried to ask me to homecoming this year, until I told him I couldn't date until I was 16. We can barely ever see eachother because my parent's don't let me hang with guys. Every time I happen to see him in the hallway he pets my hair and we talk about whatever is going on. We both seem to know everything about eachother, and we always talk about how we should go see a movie some time. He is in love with both animals and explosives (as am I), and he thinks it to be annoying when girls freak out over the smallest bug(I've used a spider to scare my friend's cousin, who is a guy).

I am his age and like everything he does. He always texts me even when he knows I can't text (which he has been doing alot lately), he is one of my best friends, and it seems the ammount of time we're apart does not really matter. About the dance thing; I am very religious and don't want to go against my parents and date him, and I couldn't get away with it anyway; they watch me like a hawk. He can be sensative while still acting tougher then your average guy. He stops his conversations with his friends to say hi to me in the hallways, and he is always supportive.

What do you think I should do about this? Do you think he likes me as a friend or more? Sorry if I sound stupid!What should I do about this guy? Please help!?
in order to not anger your parents keep him as a friend and nothing more. but when you are older he seems like someone yo might date or even marry.

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