Tuesday, 16 November 2010

So theres this one guy..?

Okay, theres this one guy that I've known for a year. I've liked him ever since I met him, but he has no idea about any of that. So he fell in love with a girl about six months after we met. She found out and basically dropped their friendship because she decided he was annoying, and left him to me.

The girl he liked was almost my best friend, and after she dropped their friendship, she stopped talking to me too.

So I comforted him for a few months and helped him get over the depression. And then finally he got over her, for no reason I guess.

We become best friends during that time. He always talked to me and wanted to hang out with me as much as possible.

He would always talk about me as if I was so cool and so great. He even told me one day, when he was arguing about how awesome I was, that I was likeable in his eyes. Then it just got all silent and he was like, three seconds later, ';but don't worry, I do not.'; And he said he was surprised I didn't freak out about it.

He kept acting like that for about two months, and our conversations went like..

ME: Hey, you should draw more pictures and put them up on deviantart.

HIM: Naw, I don't feel like it. No inspiration. :/

ME: Okay, I won't force you.

HIM: Really? You can if you want.

ME: No, I'm not gonna do that.

HIM: It's okay, it's what you want.

ME: You would do something you wouldn't want, for something I want?

HIM: Yesh. :3

ME: Jeez, that's way too nice.

HIM: Is that a good thing? :O

ME: Yeah, I like it.

HIM: Really?

ME: Yes...

HIM: Okay, good. :3

We would be at a dance festival, and he asked him if it was all right if he could hang out with me the whole time. He had a bunch of guy friends to hang out with, but he chose to sit with me, even though there were a bunch of younger little girls flocking around me.

He acted like that for the longest time. But now, all of a sudden he keeps talking about some new girl he met at school. He goes on and on about her like she's the greatest thing in the world, but he doesn't even talk to her. So I asked him why.

He said it was really hard to talk to her. Well, it makes sense, because he's incredibly shy. But something was kind of weird about it all. He can barely talk to ME, because he gets so incredibly shy around me. I can't talk to him, because I get so nervous around him. Generally, we talk over MSN or texting. He told me I'm the only one he finds it so hard to talk to, and he doesn't know why.

So he goes on about this girl at school. And it gets me so depressed. So I just put on fake smiles and laughs, and told him ';Hey, I really hope it works out between you two.'; And he does know that I like somebody, and I'm really hurting from it, but he doesn't know who. So out of the blue, he was just like, ';I don't care if it works or not between me and her! I'm more concerned about you! o.o';

And I didn't understand that. He just goes on and on about her, but when it comes down to it, he just basically goes off and tells me I'm more important.

I asked him if those two were to become really good friends, that if she would replace me in being his best friend.

He said, ';No, of course not, Never. n_n';

And he kept asking who I liked, a thousand times. Said he was going crazy over it and he needed to know. He kept asking me a thousand questions about him when I couldn't tell him who, and he still wanted to know more.

He got some info out, but not enough to know that I really do like him.

Then today, he goes on about that girl he fell in love with a while back. About how depressed he still is because of it. And I THOUGHT HE WAS TOTALLY OVER HER! He just started talking about her randomly, and I asked him if I was just as good of a friend to him as she was. And he told me ';of course. n_n';

I don't understand! Why does he keep telling me how much he likes them, then tell me I'm better? Is he trying to get me jealous, or is he just weird like that?

Sorry it's so long, but I'm so confused!So theres this one guy..?
he definitely likes you, and trust you.

just drop him little hints every night or so.

and then when you feel brave tell him or text him or something.

trust me, your feel much better afterwords, I'm like 99.9% sure he likes you! JUST GO FOR IT! :]

I have been talking to this guy for about two months now. He likes me, And i like him. But i would have never known that if he didn't make the first move. It's much better now. Were 'dating' but not officially. Were even 'married' ha ha. But the point is you will feel much better just to tell him, and get it off your chest!

P.S.) It's even better when he say's he likes you to!So theres this one guy..?
i think hes trying to get you jealous

some guys are like dat.

maybe he wants u to do da first move
whoa a long story. im asleep. anyway he doesn't like you. hes just really attached to you.
Awwwwww I think he's making you jealous! he doesn't want to make the first move becuase he's shy! I think you should tell him you like him! And if he doesn't like you back [Which is like impossible becuase CLEARLY he likes YOU] then tell him you still want to be friends with him =)
he's trying to get you jealous so you'll spill who you like.

lol. its almost like your playing hard to get and he's chasing after youu :]
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