Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Please read, a kid in my class in seriously starting to freak me out.?

Ok, so there's this guy in my class who is stalking me, It's been going on for a year now and I don't know what to do. In the past year, (I'll try and make it short) he has:

Wrote me 6 poems and a song

Maybe around 25 notes in 7th grade.

Told me he loves me, asked me out 4 times,I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen,(I'm not even kidding, I don't know how to respond anymore because all I say is oh thanks your really nice but it gets kinda creepy after like 6 complements in a week or whatever) And he has been waiting around for me for waay to long I want him to give up because I feel so bad but I only like him as a friend but it's hard to be friends with him when he makes everything so akward and weird. And I feel really bad because I am friends with his friends and they tell me stuff he says like how he wants to try and kiss me and how he has my phone number and email and adress memerized and he even has like pictures of me on his phone of me that he showed his soccer team (and I didn't even know he took the pictures) but yeah. And he gets made fun of alot and people tell him like I'm out of his league and stuff. So one time I was so tired of him being like this so I just said look I'm not interested could you please back off and he was like soo sad and his friends started getting mad at me because he was acting depressed but after like a week he was ok again. And he's in all my classes and constanly stares at me and its so annoying and uncomfortable haha. And at school dances he asks me to dance like every dance and he gets really jealouse if I talk to other guys.. Like I could go on about this because there's more but basically I just want to know how to be nice to him without ignoring him and how to get him to kind of back off a little. Please answer I would really appreciate it. (:Please read, a kid in my class in seriously starting to freak me out.?
Unfortunately, there is only ONE thing to do:

Tell him you are not and never will be interested.

Say it in a firm but kind voice:

This is the ONLY and BEST way to let him know you don't like him without giving mixed signals.

Tell him he is putting way too much time into something that will never happen: Tell him that he needs to find another girl and give up on you.

Plain and simple.

And if his friends get mad?

Tell them sincerely that it is only for his OWN GOOD, and that you think he needs to move on from you.

Good luck girl- he will be hurt at first, but he will get the picture and you will feel better.

Oh, and be sure that when you tell him, you are in a nice, private place so you don't embarass him.

Be firm, clear, and not cruel.

Best of luck!

-jPlease read, a kid in my class in seriously starting to freak me out.?
kill him
Really, there is nothing you can do besides what you've already done. If you tell someone to back off, they will be hurt but they will eventually heal with time (you even said he seemed to be doing better after a week). The best thing you can do is be polite to him - say hi if he says hi first, acknowledge his presence in class - but don't go out of your way to interact with him because that will give him hope that it will work out. In the meantime, live your life and talk to other guys and stuff and don't let his inability to move on keep you from having a life.
wow. same thing happened to my best friend a year ago. though she did go out with the guy but then when she wanted to break up thats when he got creapy. one time him and his dad were stalking her. he even memorized her mom's license plate! i don't even know their license plate and i basically live with them. so what she did was......blocked him from emailing her, dated his friend for a short while -i know, harsh but he was just not giving up-, went to a new school for high school -thankfully he's still in 8th grade-, and since the new school year she hasn't heard from him.

so what i recommend you to do is do all of what my friend did and don't hang out with his friends.

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