Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Plz help i dont know how to control my gf?

ok I've been dating this girl for a while now nd she keeps trying 2 get me 2 go 2 dances with her nd wenever she gets me 2 agree 2 go she tells me she wants 2 dance with some of her guy friends nd at first i didn't care, i mean its fine a few of my ex's did tht so i have no prob, then i found out by dancing she means grinding (dirty dancing where a girl rubs her butt on a guys crotch until they get turned on or go further) nd i dont want her 2 do tht with other guys and she tells me there r liik 10 guys she wants 2 do tht w/ nd wen i tell her i dont want her 2 she freaks out and calls me controlling, then all her friends refer 2 grinding with other guys as cheating so she always says she'll end up cheating, i know its not litterally but it still makes me uncomfortable as hell, idk how 2 control her from grinding on others, i cant make her not go nd i dont wanna sit there nd watch her grind her guy friends... im liik freaking out, she told me b4 tht if i get her mad enuff shes gonna take her anger out by cheating (liik actually making out with other guys) but i got her 2 promise 2 nvr do tht... shes also considered a slut at skool wen shes rele not at all, she likes tht reputation though so i cannot stop her from anything... im not gonna leave her but i need tips on making her NOT grind on other guys and make me jealous as hell...

plz help im desperate... im freaking out nd usually crying while im alone... i love her 2 death i jus dont want her doing tht with other guys...Plz help i dont know how to control my gf?
Previously I had written like two paragraphs but let me put this as simple as possible.

Communication- Talk to her, let her know your point of view and hear hers

Discuss the issue- express your feelings, let her know you are not getting the place that you deserve as a bf. Let her know she is not respecting you. Give her options, if she wants to run around like that she can, she will just not be your gf any more. If she wants to continue the relationship then changes will have to take place.

Be firm with your decision- Do not say something that you will not be able to keep your self. If you take a step forward then keep on walking, never take a step back.

And last and most important of all:

Value your self- Find that person that truly deserves your love, someone that gives you your place, find some one that is worth having. If this girl is it, then she will change.

Plz help i dont know how to control my gf?
dont try to control her

juat talk to her?

do mine evry1

Your girlfriend is the type of person who wants to have a nasty image and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. If you don't want to see her dancing with the other guys, don't go with her. You need to sit down with her and explain calmly that her behaviour upsets you, and if she doesn't want to respect your wishes then the relationship is over. You don't need the stress of worrying about her all the time.
i mean this in the nicest way... she is not worth your time. you should not have to beg your girlfriend to treat you with respect. she should want to. don;t let some girl do you like that. tell her how you feel and if she cannot respect you and your feelings, you should move on. trust me in the long run you both will be better off.

good luck.

ps. i would give you some tips but honestly dear their aren't anything you can do. she will ultimately do what she wants.
Jeez, why would you not leave her after that? She is making you look like a pathetic joke to everyone around you. You deserve someone who will appreciate all that you are willing to put into a relationship. Whether she is having sex or making out with them or not, ';grinding'; with 10 guys does make her a whore and she obviously doesn't respect you one bit.
Why don't you try making her feel jealous... start dancing with other girls and have then rub there butt on your crotch, have a great time, and by the end of he night she probably will be jealous as ****!!!!

D= shes warning you saying she might cheat on you? Your going to end up even more hurt... Try talkin to her and if she doesnt compromise you realy should end it =(
Mate, in all honestly if she actually was madly in love with you she would not do anything to jeopardise the relationship. I mean to say you have asked her not to do it, and she keeps on doing it because she knows that she can get away with it. Weather your being controlling or not, I can't see the benefit in causing you so much stress, unless she gets a kick out of upsetting you. At the end of the day, if it upsets you that much, and she will not stop it, than you need to move on. If not, live your life miserably and count the days until the grinding becomes the horizontal tango..
well honestly, if this is how you feel then you have to tell your girlfriend. she has to know that this upsets you and bothers you. its not fair to you that she's treating you like that. you don't deserve that.. and if that doesn't work then i say you just dump her because she really isn't worth it. You deserve a girl that loves you and respects you and your feelings. so that's my opinion. hope it helps.

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